原本當初“打動(詐騙)”政府選擇「台灣高鐵」企業聯盟的「政府零出資」,後來竟“演變”成原始股東遲疑投資,政府管控的“公共資金”大力灌注的“顛倒現象”。更進一步說,「台灣高鐵」的大股東幾乎都“大量承包”了高鐵工程,等於是「該投資的錢尚未拿出來,卻先將政府的錢賺到口袋裡」。高鐵BOT案雖然“表面上”是由民間投資興建,但“實際上”政府不僅投入1057億元興建高鐵連外道路,還用郵政儲金、勞保、公保提供低利資金;甚至高鐵向銀行團融資時,還由“政府擔保”,跟高鐵公司及銀行團簽“很「奇特」”的三方合約。在此“機制”下,銀行債權(由於政府的全額擔保背書)可“百分之百確保”,高鐵也不會面臨銀行不借錢的問題。這是將所有風險“轉嫁”給政府,使政府與高鐵等於是“綁在一起”的“命運共同體”。高鐵公司反而“立於不敗之地”,萬一高鐵停工或營運不下去,依據 BOT的相關規則,政府可以“接收”,而即使政府接收,高鐵公司也不會有太大的損失,因為政府(人民)必須“照價買回”已完成的硬體建設,且“無損”高鐵公司依規定賺取興建費用兩成的利潤。(http://patchpiece.wordpress.com/2009/09/21/)
這讓我想起20年前的反核四。 好像反核與高鐵跟本一點也不搭嘎 !不過我認為前者的精神可以用來對照今天的高鐵為何會有如此的下場…。
Ok! 在經濟發展與增加效率的旗號下, 硬體建設與bot 成為顯學與唯一目標。
待過公務機關的人都知道, 績效與預算執行率成正比 (好比研究的好壞和出報告的篇數有關), 民心是蚊子館比沒有好 ,德政就是大興土木 ,最好是修橋鋪路。 相反的對政治人物來講,有建設表示有利益 ,不管是直接或間接, 小至幾十萬的建設條例,大至4、5仟億的大建設。 誰都知道做平凡人的基本需要之一就是「不擋人財路」。 各方自有自己的ecological nich ,百姓在漫天的謊言下默默的奉獻自己的血汗錢, 分錢是他們…。
所以反核的跟本在臺灣並不是反對興建核電廠, 而是反獨裁與反大建設後的利益輸送。
誰知道他們是如何五鬼搬運-就是制度內的貪污,心安理得,天衣無縫。這也是我最近才知道的, 制度內的貪污, 就是閒缺、 就是顧問。 錯誤的政策比貪污還可怕,但如果是故意的設計,那就是詐欺而且弄更多錢,還沒責任!
高鐵bot可比馬多夫(Bernard Madoff),馬多夫的詐騙手法,是所謂的「龐氏騙局(Ponzi scheme)」。他經營的避險基金持續虧掉客戶的錢,但卻拿新投資人的本金去償付先前投資人的獲利,造成投資長期賺錢的假象。bot仗著大家都需要業績的心理: 政府想要所謂得效率(丟掉龐大的人事成本與照顧義務)、 人民需要建設、 政客需要資金、好吧!經濟需要發展也算。不擋人財路,或是被拉攏成為一份子,在法律的保護下,讓這個怪物愈來愈大,民不與官鬥,但民官一體時又如何?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
終於 the end of summer...(the 3rd maniscript)
Testosterone benefits ovarian development by modifying the expressions levels of ovarian VEGF-Flk in Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) during artificial maturation
Angiogenesis is essential to the development. Ovarian follicular development is associated with ovarian vascular developments in mammals, and the degeneration of follicular vascular capillaries is the major cause to follicle atresia. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is the most important factor to ovarian angiogenesis, two VEGF receptors, Flt and Flk, have been identified. VEGF is conserved from fishes to mammals. A commercial scale of artificial eel (Anguilla japonica) seed production is not well established, an abnormal physiological status provoked by artificial hormonal manipulations is suggested. We proposed an abnormality on ovarian angiogenesis in the exogenous hormones stimulated eel. Testosterone (T) has been showed to stimulate and enhance the survival and synchronous development of eel ovary. Our aims were to investigate the correlation between ovarian development and VEGF-Flk expressions by CPE and T on ovarian VEGF-Flk expressions. Eel were treated with CPE or T supplement weekly for 9 weeks. RT-PCR and histoimmunochemistry were employed to test the levels of ovarian VEGF-Flk. Our data showed that ovarian expressions levels of VEGF were stimulated first then the expressions levels decreased by CPE; ovarian expressions levels of Flk were inhibited by CPE. Anyways, a negative correlation between ovarian development (GSI) and ovarian VEGF-Flk expressions were observed, but ovarian vasculatures have developed, the increase of ovarian podocalyxin (Podo, a specific surface marker for vascular endothelia) expressions supported this hypothesis. By contrast, the supplement of T (CPT+T) for 9 weeks increased GSI, rescued the decrease of ovarian VEGF-Flk expressions, and stimulated ovarian Podo expressions as compared with 9 weeks of CPE alone. We can not deny the possibility that the eel used for the manipulation were at the pre-silver stage, the exogenous hormones treatments leaded the abnormal ovarian angiogenesis. Our results may provide a base to ameliorate the hormonal treatment regime during the eel artificial maturation procedure.
Angiogenesis is essential to the development. Ovarian follicular development is associated with ovarian vascular developments in mammals, and the degeneration of follicular vascular capillaries is the major cause to follicle atresia. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is the most important factor to ovarian angiogenesis, two VEGF receptors, Flt and Flk, have been identified. VEGF is conserved from fishes to mammals. A commercial scale of artificial eel (Anguilla japonica) seed production is not well established, an abnormal physiological status provoked by artificial hormonal manipulations is suggested. We proposed an abnormality on ovarian angiogenesis in the exogenous hormones stimulated eel. Testosterone (T) has been showed to stimulate and enhance the survival and synchronous development of eel ovary. Our aims were to investigate the correlation between ovarian development and VEGF-Flk expressions by CPE and T on ovarian VEGF-Flk expressions. Eel were treated with CPE or T supplement weekly for 9 weeks. RT-PCR and histoimmunochemistry were employed to test the levels of ovarian VEGF-Flk. Our data showed that ovarian expressions levels of VEGF were stimulated first then the expressions levels decreased by CPE; ovarian expressions levels of Flk were inhibited by CPE. Anyways, a negative correlation between ovarian development (GSI) and ovarian VEGF-Flk expressions were observed, but ovarian vasculatures have developed, the increase of ovarian podocalyxin (Podo, a specific surface marker for vascular endothelia) expressions supported this hypothesis. By contrast, the supplement of T (CPT+T) for 9 weeks increased GSI, rescued the decrease of ovarian VEGF-Flk expressions, and stimulated ovarian Podo expressions as compared with 9 weeks of CPE alone. We can not deny the possibility that the eel used for the manipulation were at the pre-silver stage, the exogenous hormones treatments leaded the abnormal ovarian angiogenesis. Our results may provide a base to ameliorate the hormonal treatment regime during the eel artificial maturation procedure.