每次學期末改完考卷要送出分數前, 幾個老師會聚在一起交換特定學生的考試分數, 原因無它, 因為如果成績照送這些學生可能會被退學。 反而學生不急,急死一堆老師 。總是有學生在知道成績後才來找老師說:「要怎麼辦」, 偶爾也會有學生家長來電問看有無補救之道, 至少我們基層教課老師關心的是: 好好一個小孩, 怎麼變得什麼都不愛, 最基本的要求或水準都達不到, 一個班上四五十個人都是類似程度進來的, 不應該差這麼多。
一般有問題的同學都有某些徵兆 :如總不來上課, 即使出席也在睡覺, 大都和班上離群索居。 成績低下所影響的是不是要延畢就是退學, 影響不只是學生個人也是整個家庭被影響。
感覺上不在乎延畢的越來越多, 但說到退學倒是還沒人不在乎的, 偏偏教育部又有政策把學系學生報到率與退學率列入評鑑考量, 所以校方也有意無意的宣導老師要有愛心把後面同學提上來 弦外之音就是”少當同學”, 反應的工具就是學生替老師上課打分數。 實施數年來發現: 要求越嚴格, 老師的成績不會高; 分數給得越寬鬆, 老師的成績不會低 。
我曾經在課堂(通識課)上調查過, 約有七成的同學認為他們選錯系或是不喜歡目前的系。 可想見: 沒有動力就不會用心、不用心就沒有成就感,成就感可能來自自己的表現或老師給的成績,所以不喜歡目前的狀態卻大部份也跑不出去或離不開, 因為所謂的好成績是各個系的壁壘。
老實說,延畢或是退學的學生有,但每年平均人數不多約一至二人。有時候成績真的打不下去,有沒唸書或是盡一點當學生的本份是可以在考卷上看得到;給過! 違背公平原則和莫名其妙所的謂學術良心, 不給過!延畢或退學。 話又講回來, 他們的未來或前途就靠一張可能永遠都不會用到的理論所組成的試卷所決定嗎 ? 難道”不給過”不能是個教育的方法 – 不負責任就要承擔某些後果, 而不是要強迫學生對其人生的轉折。
我不贊成兩次二一就退學, 基本上大學本來就是採學分制, 也沒有修業年限吧?
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
某一黨的不分區立委名單終於列進一些政治非主流的人士,感覺是耳目一新,弱勢人士終於有直接管道在國會發聲,從表面看,似乎有人開始注意社會另一群人的意見, 我們也樂意這類事情的發生, 但我們更看重的是如何形成力量與其真正的力量在立法院。
不然在從前,除了國民黨外,也有民社黨與青年黨, 不過是大家稱的 “花瓶”, 並對外號稱我們是”多黨政治”, 中國大陸也有如此的情形。 不過名單的改變代表某些勢力的消長與特定價值的改變, 也不能說一無是處, 比另外一黨赤裸裸的政治利益分贓, 的確表面上高明多了。
不過現在政治是 “孤木難撐大局”, 以民主之名比的卻是多數暴力。
從議事規則來看, 一人居在某些關鍵的位置可能可以抵擋某些法案的通過, 但是是抵不過政黨的多數與分工力量。從前有一位穿紅夾克的男立委,還有一位減肥成功台灣地區最聰明的女立委, 台灣政生態也不因為三、四、五、六人而有重大改變, 倒是版面比別人多, 聰明的他們也不再投入立委選舉 。
富人沒有品味, 但大家相信品味可經由購置藝術品獲得, 所以富人成立藝術館 讓別人認為他們有品味, 而自己的花費是自己認為可經由此獲得精神救贖。
老農津貼加碼1000元 府院黨達共識
聯合報╱記者林新輝、陳洛薇、錢震宇/台北報導】 2011.11.18 03:09 am
唉! "官"字兩個"口"
不然在從前,除了國民黨外,也有民社黨與青年黨, 不過是大家稱的 “花瓶”, 並對外號稱我們是”多黨政治”, 中國大陸也有如此的情形。 不過名單的改變代表某些勢力的消長與特定價值的改變, 也不能說一無是處, 比另外一黨赤裸裸的政治利益分贓, 的確表面上高明多了。
不過現在政治是 “孤木難撐大局”, 以民主之名比的卻是多數暴力。
從議事規則來看, 一人居在某些關鍵的位置可能可以抵擋某些法案的通過, 但是是抵不過政黨的多數與分工力量。從前有一位穿紅夾克的男立委,還有一位減肥成功台灣地區最聰明的女立委, 台灣政生態也不因為三、四、五、六人而有重大改變, 倒是版面比別人多, 聰明的他們也不再投入立委選舉 。
富人沒有品味, 但大家相信品味可經由購置藝術品獲得, 所以富人成立藝術館 讓別人認為他們有品味, 而自己的花費是自己認為可經由此獲得精神救贖。
老農津貼加碼1000元 府院黨達共識
聯合報╱記者林新輝、陳洛薇、錢震宇/台北報導】 2011.11.18 03:09 am
唉! "官"字兩個"口"
Monday, November 14, 2011
雖然「放棄台灣」根本也救不了美國,但下面由美國哈佛甘乃迪學院前國際安全學者凱恩(Paul V. Kane)在紐約時報所主張「放棄台灣」的論點──用台灣換取中國勾銷其持有的1.14兆美國公債,對台灣是一項具體的嚴重警訊與危機,值得所有台灣人重視:
To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan
Published: November 10, 2011
原文:WITH a single bold act, President Obama could correct the country’s course, help assure his re-election, and preserve our children’s future.
He needs to redefine America’s mindset about national security away from the old defense mentality that American power derives predominantly from our military might, rather than from the strength, agility and competitiveness of our economy. He should make it clear that today American jobs and wealth matter more than military prowess.
As Adm. Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared last year, “The most significant threat to our national security is our debt.”
There are dozens of initiatives President Obama could undertake to strengthen our economic security. Here is one: He should enter into closed-door negotiations with Chinese leaders to write off the $1.14 trillion of American debt currently held by China in exchange for a deal to end American military assistance and arms sales to Taiwan and terminate the current United States-Taiwan defense arrangement by 2015.
This would be a most precious prize to the cautious men in Beijing, one they would give dearly to achieve. After all, our relationship with Taiwan, as revised in 1979, is a vestige of the cold war.
Today, America has little strategic interest in Taiwan, which is gradually integrating with China economically by investing in and forming joint ventures with mainland Chinese firms. The island’s absorption into mainland China is inevitable.
But the status quo is dangerous; if Taiwanese nationalist politicians decided to declare independence or if Beijing’s hawks tired of waiting for integration and moved to take Taiwan by force, America could suddenly be drawn into a multitrillion-dollar war.
There will be “China hawks” who denounce any deal on Taiwan as American capitulation, but their fear of a Red China menacing Asia is anachronistic. Portraying the United States as a democratic Athens threatened by China’s autocratic Sparta makes for sensational imagery, but nothing could be further from reality.
The battle today is between competing balance sheets, and it is fought in board rooms; it is not a geopolitical struggle to militarily or ideologically “dominate” the Pacific.
In fact, China and the United States have interlocking economic interests. China’s greatest military asset is actually the United States Navy, which keeps the sea lanes safe for China’s resources and products to flow freely.
China would want a deal on Taiwan for several reasons. First, Taiwan is Beijing’s unspoken but hard-to-hide top priority for symbolic and strategic reasons; only access to water and energy mean more to Chinese leaders.
Second, a deal would open a clearer path for the gradual, orderly integration of Taiwan into China.
Third, it would undermine hard-line militarists who use the Taiwan issue to stoke nationalist flames, sideline pro-Western technocrats and extract larger military budgets. And finally, it would save China the considerable sums it has been spending on a vast military buildup.
Jeffrey Lewis, an East Asia expert at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, estimated that one-fourth to one-third of China’s defense spending goes to forces in the vicinity of Taiwan — at a cost of $30 billion to $50 billion a year. A deal for the resolution of Taiwan’s status could save China $500 billion in defense spending by 2020 and allow Beijing to break even by 2030, while reducing America’s debt and serving our broader economic interests.
The Chinese leadership would be startled — for a change — if the United States were to adopt such a savvy negotiating posture. Beyond reducing our debt, a Taiwan deal could pressure Beijing to end its political and economic support for pariah states like Iran, North Korea and Syria and to exert a moderating influence over an unstable Pakistan. It would be a game changer.
The deal would eliminate almost 10 percent of our national debt without raising taxes or cutting spending; it would redirect American foreign policy away from dated cold-war-era entanglements and toward our contemporary economic and strategic interests; and it would eliminate the risk of involvement in a costly war with China.
Critics will call this proposal impractical, even absurd. They will say it doesn’t have a prayer of passing Congress, and doesn’t acknowledge political realities. They might be right — today.
But by pursuing this agenda, Mr. Obama would change the calculus and political reality. And Congress should see a deal with China as an opportunity to make itself credible again.
Debt is not in itself bad, when managed, but today’s unsustainable debt will suffocate our economy, our democracy and our children’s futures.
By tackling the issue of Taiwan, Mr. Obama could address much of what ails him today, sending a message of bold foreign policy thinking and fiscal responsibility that would benefit every citizen and be understood by every voter.
To Save Our Economy, Ditch Taiwan
Published: November 10, 2011
原文:WITH a single bold act, President Obama could correct the country’s course, help assure his re-election, and preserve our children’s future.
He needs to redefine America’s mindset about national security away from the old defense mentality that American power derives predominantly from our military might, rather than from the strength, agility and competitiveness of our economy. He should make it clear that today American jobs and wealth matter more than military prowess.
As Adm. Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared last year, “The most significant threat to our national security is our debt.”
There are dozens of initiatives President Obama could undertake to strengthen our economic security. Here is one: He should enter into closed-door negotiations with Chinese leaders to write off the $1.14 trillion of American debt currently held by China in exchange for a deal to end American military assistance and arms sales to Taiwan and terminate the current United States-Taiwan defense arrangement by 2015.
This would be a most precious prize to the cautious men in Beijing, one they would give dearly to achieve. After all, our relationship with Taiwan, as revised in 1979, is a vestige of the cold war.
Today, America has little strategic interest in Taiwan, which is gradually integrating with China economically by investing in and forming joint ventures with mainland Chinese firms. The island’s absorption into mainland China is inevitable.
But the status quo is dangerous; if Taiwanese nationalist politicians decided to declare independence or if Beijing’s hawks tired of waiting for integration and moved to take Taiwan by force, America could suddenly be drawn into a multitrillion-dollar war.
There will be “China hawks” who denounce any deal on Taiwan as American capitulation, but their fear of a Red China menacing Asia is anachronistic. Portraying the United States as a democratic Athens threatened by China’s autocratic Sparta makes for sensational imagery, but nothing could be further from reality.
The battle today is between competing balance sheets, and it is fought in board rooms; it is not a geopolitical struggle to militarily or ideologically “dominate” the Pacific.
In fact, China and the United States have interlocking economic interests. China’s greatest military asset is actually the United States Navy, which keeps the sea lanes safe for China’s resources and products to flow freely.
China would want a deal on Taiwan for several reasons. First, Taiwan is Beijing’s unspoken but hard-to-hide top priority for symbolic and strategic reasons; only access to water and energy mean more to Chinese leaders.
Second, a deal would open a clearer path for the gradual, orderly integration of Taiwan into China.
Third, it would undermine hard-line militarists who use the Taiwan issue to stoke nationalist flames, sideline pro-Western technocrats and extract larger military budgets. And finally, it would save China the considerable sums it has been spending on a vast military buildup.
Jeffrey Lewis, an East Asia expert at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, estimated that one-fourth to one-third of China’s defense spending goes to forces in the vicinity of Taiwan — at a cost of $30 billion to $50 billion a year. A deal for the resolution of Taiwan’s status could save China $500 billion in defense spending by 2020 and allow Beijing to break even by 2030, while reducing America’s debt and serving our broader economic interests.
The Chinese leadership would be startled — for a change — if the United States were to adopt such a savvy negotiating posture. Beyond reducing our debt, a Taiwan deal could pressure Beijing to end its political and economic support for pariah states like Iran, North Korea and Syria and to exert a moderating influence over an unstable Pakistan. It would be a game changer.
The deal would eliminate almost 10 percent of our national debt without raising taxes or cutting spending; it would redirect American foreign policy away from dated cold-war-era entanglements and toward our contemporary economic and strategic interests; and it would eliminate the risk of involvement in a costly war with China.
Critics will call this proposal impractical, even absurd. They will say it doesn’t have a prayer of passing Congress, and doesn’t acknowledge political realities. They might be right — today.
But by pursuing this agenda, Mr. Obama would change the calculus and political reality. And Congress should see a deal with China as an opportunity to make itself credible again.
Debt is not in itself bad, when managed, but today’s unsustainable debt will suffocate our economy, our democracy and our children’s futures.
By tackling the issue of Taiwan, Mr. Obama could address much of what ails him today, sending a message of bold foreign policy thinking and fiscal responsibility that would benefit every citizen and be understood by every voter.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
"投票行為" 與 "流行"
本文的脈絡 請先參考: 流行與「罷黜百家」
基本上, 若不是本土滋生的或是植於人心深層的, 外來的東西大概和流行有關,比如: 我們有七夕、有過年、有清明節,還有中秋節與中元節。 基本上, 放假體系建立在”秋收冬藏”與”人情世故”上。 但越來越多的節日在商業化的思維下茁壯, 和商業化有了直接的聯接,如:情人節送巧克力、送花、送鑽石, 過年要出國或叫外賣年菜, 中秋節要封街烤肉, 有個中元節沒搞頭, 萬聖節可搞怪 。你試試看, 什麼時候不做什麼看你家小鬼或是青少年會怎樣!
節日不重要! 什麼時候流行什麼才重要!!
如果”流行”是顆衛星,“同儕壓力”應該是”流行”的第一節推進器吧! 等上了太空,就遵守某些看不到的定律讓它縈繞在我們周圍。 幾千年前, 子曰:「微管仲 吾其被髮左衽矣… 」,可見中國人流行不喜歡留長頭髮與穿西服。
所以道德是不是流行 ? 以前未婚性行為是一大禁忌, 現在在情人節那天, 新聞總少不了, 某間摩鐵又大排長龍。 人快要跟狗一樣! 至少狗在大街上是為傳宗接代, 人咧?! 離婚以前是很隱諱的事, 現在呢?
所以”選舉”(應該簡化成投票行為)這檔事是不是流行? 如果是流行, 那在兩或三者之間選擇和妳出門打開衣櫃選擇裙子或七分褲有無相異? 端看目前在流行什麼吧! 而流行是被操縱出來的。 基本上我不認為政治有何種新把戲, 所有問題根源可能在政治。 政治談的是利益分配和其衍生出的問題。 歷次選舉把利益分配從七三變成三七或四六, 但我發現執政的永遠是貪得無饜的大肥貓, 大肥貓用安定生活明天會更好來欺騙民眾,在野的用建立社會公平動員民眾。 很不幸的, 這應該是所謂的政府該做的事, 是政府的內建功能(default) 而不是拿來當作要選舉的攻防武器。
你投票的那一刻, 你知道他們要搞什麼嗎? 支票隨便大家開、口號隨便大家喊, 只看媒體影響你多大! 連民調這件事(不是民調的結果)都可以當武器。 學過統計的都知道沒有絕對真理, 機率決定真理的可能出現範圍。
好吧! 從一堆爛貨中選出比較不爛的, 好奇怪只有爛貨願意出來被選?…
基本上, 若不是本土滋生的或是植於人心深層的, 外來的東西大概和流行有關,比如: 我們有七夕、有過年、有清明節,還有中秋節與中元節。 基本上, 放假體系建立在”秋收冬藏”與”人情世故”上。 但越來越多的節日在商業化的思維下茁壯, 和商業化有了直接的聯接,如:情人節送巧克力、送花、送鑽石, 過年要出國或叫外賣年菜, 中秋節要封街烤肉, 有個中元節沒搞頭, 萬聖節可搞怪 。你試試看, 什麼時候不做什麼看你家小鬼或是青少年會怎樣!
節日不重要! 什麼時候流行什麼才重要!!
如果”流行”是顆衛星,“同儕壓力”應該是”流行”的第一節推進器吧! 等上了太空,就遵守某些看不到的定律讓它縈繞在我們周圍。 幾千年前, 子曰:「微管仲 吾其被髮左衽矣… 」,可見中國人流行不喜歡留長頭髮與穿西服。
所以道德是不是流行 ? 以前未婚性行為是一大禁忌, 現在在情人節那天, 新聞總少不了, 某間摩鐵又大排長龍。 人快要跟狗一樣! 至少狗在大街上是為傳宗接代, 人咧?! 離婚以前是很隱諱的事, 現在呢?
所以”選舉”(應該簡化成投票行為)這檔事是不是流行? 如果是流行, 那在兩或三者之間選擇和妳出門打開衣櫃選擇裙子或七分褲有無相異? 端看目前在流行什麼吧! 而流行是被操縱出來的。 基本上我不認為政治有何種新把戲, 所有問題根源可能在政治。 政治談的是利益分配和其衍生出的問題。 歷次選舉把利益分配從七三變成三七或四六, 但我發現執政的永遠是貪得無饜的大肥貓, 大肥貓用安定生活明天會更好來欺騙民眾,在野的用建立社會公平動員民眾。 很不幸的, 這應該是所謂的政府該做的事, 是政府的內建功能(default) 而不是拿來當作要選舉的攻防武器。
你投票的那一刻, 你知道他們要搞什麼嗎? 支票隨便大家開、口號隨便大家喊, 只看媒體影響你多大! 連民調這件事(不是民調的結果)都可以當武器。 學過統計的都知道沒有絕對真理, 機率決定真理的可能出現範圍。
好吧! 從一堆爛貨中選出比較不爛的, 好奇怪只有爛貨願意出來被選?…
Saturday, November 05, 2011
想捕大鵬灣鰻苗? 去廟裡抽籤
聯合報╱記者林順良/屏東縣報導 (2011.11.06 03:41 am)
全文網址: 想捕大鵬灣鰻苗? 去廟裡抽籤
【2011/11/06 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/
聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT5/6699520.shtml#ixzz1ct9MjAZe
全文網址: 想捕大鵬灣鰻苗? 去廟裡抽籤
【2011/11/06 聯合報】@ http://udn.com/
聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NAT5/6699520.shtml#ixzz1ct9MjAZe