Wednesday, April 22, 2009

HEPL! somebody help me please!!

Question: if tumors produce many growth fcators, for example VEGF which induces the tumor angiogenesis, and it is clear that VEGF also has neurotrophic effects. In addtion, tumor cells produce a large amount of NGF.

WHY ONLY FEW CASES are reported the innervated tumor?

意思是: 為什麼惡性腫瘤會長血管(微血管會伸過去) 但神經細胞纖維卻不伸入 但惡性腫瘤卻分泌大量成長因子包含 神經成長因子(NGF)

我現在相信循環系統與神經系統是互為表裡與相互作用的 意即 "氣血"

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