上個月去了趟湖南 (重點在 "張家界"), 照例晚上在旅館做電視節目調查, 有一個節目是關於電影的, 請了【魔俠傳之唐吉可德(http://blog.roodo.com/ruke/archives/14468479.html)】導演阿甘上電視和觀眾當面對談,有一個觀眾提了一個問題 : 「難道沒電影題材了嗎 ? 在中國 ? 非得要抄襲國外 ? 」 導演沉默了兩秒,然後很肯定的吐出:「沒錯 …」。
那天去看 ”inception “ 就是”莊生夢蝶”或是”黃粱一夢”再加上”焉知魚樂”與”杜子春”吧! 其實可拍電影的東西很多、 題材也很多, 特別是在中國。 一部”世說新語”或”莊子”或”老子”或”四大奇書”或”三國演義”。 我想在華人圈缺的是編劇吧, 並不是故事! 就是缺有邏輯的說故事高手 。
我一直覺得我們的教育並不希望我們太有想像力! 但卻要求大家要有想像力? 結果大部份的人已經搞不清楚如何去想 (how to thinking with logic).
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Give Thanks for ... Eel?
從紐約時報 (The New York Times) 來的
(From http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/25/opinion/25prosek.html?_r=1&emc=eta1)
AS the story goes, Squanto — a Patuxet Indian who had learned English — took pity on the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony who had managed to survive that first brutal winter, and showed them how to plant corn, putting a dead fish in each hole where a seed was planted. But before that, before the ground had even fully thawed, he taught them a perhaps more valuable skill: how to catch a fatty, nutritious fish that would sustain them in the worst of winters. And this food item, likely on the table of that first Thanksgiving, would have carried special significance to those remaining colonists. Eels — a forgotten staple of our forefathers.
Indeed, eel was the dinner that Pilgrims were given on the very day after they made peace with Massasoit, the sachem, or leader, of the region. The following account is from “Mourt’s Relation,” mostly written by a Plymouth resident, Edward Winslow: “Squanto went at noon to fish for eels. At night he came home with as many as he could well lift in one hand, which our people were glad of. They were fat and sweet. He trod them out with his feet, and so caught them with his hands without any other instrument.”
Eels don’t like cold water, and spend the winter balled up, bodies twisted together in the mud. In the frigid months they were usually caught with fork-like spears, the eels pinned between the tines. The fish proved essential to the endurance of the Pilgrims, and it is fitting that a river near Plymouth Colony was named Eel River.
The peculiar life cycle of the freshwater eel was almost tailor-made for the harvest season, and for stockpiling food for the winter. Eels are born in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, hatched as little larvae shaped like willow leaves. From there, they drift and swim toward the coast, where they enter the mouths of freshwater rivers and streams in the spring. I have observed them in that season when plates of ice still line the banks of tidal streams, “like pieces of slender glass rods shorter than a man’s finger,” as Rachel Carson described them.
The inches-long transparent juvenile fish then make their way upstream to feed and grow. They stay for 10 to 30 years, until one autumn when they feel the urge to return to the Sargasso Sea, the warm clockwise gyre more than 1,000 miles east of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean, to spawn and die.
In the 17th century, the autumn runs to the saltwater would have been epic, overlapping the hurricane season when an abundance of rainwater swelled the rivers. They moved in great numbers at night, en masse, sometimes forming braids with their bodies to overcome obstacles, or large balls to roll over gravel bars that separate the mouths of rivers from the sea. On wet nights eels would even travel overland, relentless in their quest to return to their natal womb in the deep ocean.
Traditionally, Native Americans caught eels in autumn by building large river weirs, two large stone walls stretching from the banks to the center of the river, forming a large V with the trap at the vortex on the downstream side. If the conditions were right — a steady rain to raise the river level and no moon — they could catch several tons of eel in one night. The fish was then dried and smoked for the winter, manna of huge and reliable proportions. There is evidence that East Coast Indians were using these stone and wood weirs 5,000 years ago, and probably earlier.
But if eels were an essential food for Native Americans and early colonists, then why are they neglected as a food fish in modern America? Why isn’t eel, instead of turkey, the symbol of colonial resilience and gratitude?
Eels are not easy to like. Their sliminess, as well as their general tendency to stir human uneasiness, has made them a tough species to champion. Eels are conspicuously absent from news reports about our beleaguered wild fisheries (whose demise has been brought ever closer by the calamitous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico). We hear instead about the magnificent emblems of our seas: the bluefin tuna, the swordfish, the Atlantic salmon, the cod.
But the eel is also disappearing, thanks largely to a multibillion dollar market driven by Japan’s appetite for the fish. Juveniles caught in river mouths are shipped to farms in China, where they are raised to edible size and then flown to sushi restaurants around the world — giving eels one of the least sustainable routes to market of any fish, wild or farmed. What’s more, global warming, dams and pollution have taken a heavy toll on eel populations in North America and Europe.
What can we do to restore this creature that once made up 25 percent of the fish biomass of Eastern rivers? For starters, we can rehabilitate the local wetlands that nurture eels at all life stages, because eels historically fed not only humans, but nearly everything in the system, from striped bass to cormorants.
We also need to deal with dams that prevent the free exchange of life from the sea to inland waterways. If dams cannot be removed, then they should be equipped with eel ladders to help juvenile eels travel upstream. And hydrodam operators should consider turning off the turbines, which wound or kill eels, for a few hours on autumn nights during the peak of vast unseen migrations of the adult fish to the sea.
Let’s be thankful, then, for the beautiful but forgotten Thanksgiving eel. And let’s accept responsibility for preserving the fish that did so much to sustain the newcomers to these shores so many years ago.
James Prosek is the author, most recently, of “Eels: An Exploration, From New Zealand to the Sargasso, of the World’s Most Mysterious Fish.”
(From http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/25/opinion/25prosek.html?_r=1&emc=eta1)
AS the story goes, Squanto — a Patuxet Indian who had learned English — took pity on the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony who had managed to survive that first brutal winter, and showed them how to plant corn, putting a dead fish in each hole where a seed was planted. But before that, before the ground had even fully thawed, he taught them a perhaps more valuable skill: how to catch a fatty, nutritious fish that would sustain them in the worst of winters. And this food item, likely on the table of that first Thanksgiving, would have carried special significance to those remaining colonists. Eels — a forgotten staple of our forefathers.
Indeed, eel was the dinner that Pilgrims were given on the very day after they made peace with Massasoit, the sachem, or leader, of the region. The following account is from “Mourt’s Relation,” mostly written by a Plymouth resident, Edward Winslow: “Squanto went at noon to fish for eels. At night he came home with as many as he could well lift in one hand, which our people were glad of. They were fat and sweet. He trod them out with his feet, and so caught them with his hands without any other instrument.”
Eels don’t like cold water, and spend the winter balled up, bodies twisted together in the mud. In the frigid months they were usually caught with fork-like spears, the eels pinned between the tines. The fish proved essential to the endurance of the Pilgrims, and it is fitting that a river near Plymouth Colony was named Eel River.
The peculiar life cycle of the freshwater eel was almost tailor-made for the harvest season, and for stockpiling food for the winter. Eels are born in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, hatched as little larvae shaped like willow leaves. From there, they drift and swim toward the coast, where they enter the mouths of freshwater rivers and streams in the spring. I have observed them in that season when plates of ice still line the banks of tidal streams, “like pieces of slender glass rods shorter than a man’s finger,” as Rachel Carson described them.
The inches-long transparent juvenile fish then make their way upstream to feed and grow. They stay for 10 to 30 years, until one autumn when they feel the urge to return to the Sargasso Sea, the warm clockwise gyre more than 1,000 miles east of Bermuda in the Atlantic Ocean, to spawn and die.
In the 17th century, the autumn runs to the saltwater would have been epic, overlapping the hurricane season when an abundance of rainwater swelled the rivers. They moved in great numbers at night, en masse, sometimes forming braids with their bodies to overcome obstacles, or large balls to roll over gravel bars that separate the mouths of rivers from the sea. On wet nights eels would even travel overland, relentless in their quest to return to their natal womb in the deep ocean.
Traditionally, Native Americans caught eels in autumn by building large river weirs, two large stone walls stretching from the banks to the center of the river, forming a large V with the trap at the vortex on the downstream side. If the conditions were right — a steady rain to raise the river level and no moon — they could catch several tons of eel in one night. The fish was then dried and smoked for the winter, manna of huge and reliable proportions. There is evidence that East Coast Indians were using these stone and wood weirs 5,000 years ago, and probably earlier.
But if eels were an essential food for Native Americans and early colonists, then why are they neglected as a food fish in modern America? Why isn’t eel, instead of turkey, the symbol of colonial resilience and gratitude?
Eels are not easy to like. Their sliminess, as well as their general tendency to stir human uneasiness, has made them a tough species to champion. Eels are conspicuously absent from news reports about our beleaguered wild fisheries (whose demise has been brought ever closer by the calamitous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico). We hear instead about the magnificent emblems of our seas: the bluefin tuna, the swordfish, the Atlantic salmon, the cod.
But the eel is also disappearing, thanks largely to a multibillion dollar market driven by Japan’s appetite for the fish. Juveniles caught in river mouths are shipped to farms in China, where they are raised to edible size and then flown to sushi restaurants around the world — giving eels one of the least sustainable routes to market of any fish, wild or farmed. What’s more, global warming, dams and pollution have taken a heavy toll on eel populations in North America and Europe.
What can we do to restore this creature that once made up 25 percent of the fish biomass of Eastern rivers? For starters, we can rehabilitate the local wetlands that nurture eels at all life stages, because eels historically fed not only humans, but nearly everything in the system, from striped bass to cormorants.
We also need to deal with dams that prevent the free exchange of life from the sea to inland waterways. If dams cannot be removed, then they should be equipped with eel ladders to help juvenile eels travel upstream. And hydrodam operators should consider turning off the turbines, which wound or kill eels, for a few hours on autumn nights during the peak of vast unseen migrations of the adult fish to the sea.
Let’s be thankful, then, for the beautiful but forgotten Thanksgiving eel. And let’s accept responsibility for preserving the fish that did so much to sustain the newcomers to these shores so many years ago.
James Prosek is the author, most recently, of “Eels: An Exploration, From New Zealand to the Sargasso, of the World’s Most Mysterious Fish.”
Monday, November 22, 2010
日本鰻 (Anguilla japonica )血球細胞其核內受體表現具性別差異?
養殖鰻魚無法由外部型態或型質分辨其雌雄性別,本研究旨在探討利用血球細胞其核內受體,過氧小體增殖活化受體 (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, PPARs) 與類視黃素x受體(retinoid X receptors, RXRs) 基因表現差異藉以分辨雌雄性別之可能性。研究上使用之樣本(n=20)購自鹿港附近之養殖戶;鰻魚核內受體(PPARs、RXRs)基因分別參考其他魚種高度保留部位設計引子選殖而來,實驗鰻魚以鮭魚腦下垂體進行人工催熟,以作為生理判定雌雄之標準,在鰻魚進行催熟前採血,萃取組織RNA,反轉錄成cDNA,以qPCR進行分析。我們從鰻魚中選殖到PPAR alpha, PPAR beta PPAR gamma RXR short 與RXR long等基因片段並設計qPCR分析引子。結果顯示血球細胞此類基因表現之性別差異程度為PPAR gamma < RXR short < PPAR alpha < PPAR beta < RXR long,雖然單一基因還不能很肯定的鑑別雌、雄鰻魚,不如果兩個基因作交差比較準確度可以更高!本研究將擴大樣本個數再尋找最佳條件並尋求造成此差異之可能生理機制。
皮利酮 (pioglitazone) 對鰻魚肝臟與肌肉組織 PPARs 表現量之影響
魚類,特別是肉食性魚種,被認為具有血糖不耐性(glucose intolerant)的特性。本研究在探討皮利酮 (pioglitazone, PPAR gamma agonist, 人類口服抗糖藥病藥物) 對斷食鰻魚其血糖濃度之影響。本研究取自養殖鰻魚(194 ± 15g, n=6隻 / group),腹腔注射 pioglitazone (劑量3mg/kgBW 2針/week x 4 weeks),犧牲鰻魚採取組織,萃取組織RNA,反轉錄成cDNA,以qPCR進行分析。結果發現皮利酮可降低鰻魚血糖濃度,但抑制體脂肪含量的降低,其組平均體重較控制組輕。分析PPARs基因,發現在肝臟中, PPAR alpha 與 PPAR beta 的表現是被抑制的,但 PPAR gamma 的表現量卻是被刺激的。在肌肉組織中,PPAR alpha 的表現受抑制,但 PPAR beta 與 PPAR gamma 的表現量受刺激。綜合以上結果推測皮利酮刺激並活化PPAR gamma 進而影響體脂肪含量;肌肉組織 PPAR beta 表現量升高可解釋體重的降低;PPAR alpha 在肝臟與肌肉組織的降低顯示,鰻魚斷食時,受PPAR gamma 影響,導致脂肪氧化代謝降低。本研究證明 PPAR gamma agonist: 1),在其生理功能上有保守性; 2), 可刺激本身受體的表現; 3), 可刺激或抑制其他 PPARs 基因的表現。
養殖鰻魚無法由外部型態或型質分辨其雌雄性別,本研究旨在探討利用血球細胞其核內受體,過氧小體增殖活化受體 (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors, PPARs) 與類視黃素x受體(retinoid X receptors, RXRs) 基因表現差異藉以分辨雌雄性別之可能性。研究上使用之樣本(n=20)購自鹿港附近之養殖戶;鰻魚核內受體(PPARs、RXRs)基因分別參考其他魚種高度保留部位設計引子選殖而來,實驗鰻魚以鮭魚腦下垂體進行人工催熟,以作為生理判定雌雄之標準,在鰻魚進行催熟前採血,萃取組織RNA,反轉錄成cDNA,以qPCR進行分析。我們從鰻魚中選殖到PPAR alpha, PPAR beta PPAR gamma RXR short 與RXR long等基因片段並設計qPCR分析引子。結果顯示血球細胞此類基因表現之性別差異程度為PPAR gamma < RXR short < PPAR alpha < PPAR beta < RXR long,雖然單一基因還不能很肯定的鑑別雌、雄鰻魚,不如果兩個基因作交差比較準確度可以更高!本研究將擴大樣本個數再尋找最佳條件並尋求造成此差異之可能生理機制。
皮利酮 (pioglitazone) 對鰻魚肝臟與肌肉組織 PPARs 表現量之影響
魚類,特別是肉食性魚種,被認為具有血糖不耐性(glucose intolerant)的特性。本研究在探討皮利酮 (pioglitazone, PPAR gamma agonist, 人類口服抗糖藥病藥物) 對斷食鰻魚其血糖濃度之影響。本研究取自養殖鰻魚(194 ± 15g, n=6隻 / group),腹腔注射 pioglitazone (劑量3mg/kgBW 2針/week x 4 weeks),犧牲鰻魚採取組織,萃取組織RNA,反轉錄成cDNA,以qPCR進行分析。結果發現皮利酮可降低鰻魚血糖濃度,但抑制體脂肪含量的降低,其組平均體重較控制組輕。分析PPARs基因,發現在肝臟中, PPAR alpha 與 PPAR beta 的表現是被抑制的,但 PPAR gamma 的表現量卻是被刺激的。在肌肉組織中,PPAR alpha 的表現受抑制,但 PPAR beta 與 PPAR gamma 的表現量受刺激。綜合以上結果推測皮利酮刺激並活化PPAR gamma 進而影響體脂肪含量;肌肉組織 PPAR beta 表現量升高可解釋體重的降低;PPAR alpha 在肝臟與肌肉組織的降低顯示,鰻魚斷食時,受PPAR gamma 影響,導致脂肪氧化代謝降低。本研究證明 PPAR gamma agonist: 1),在其生理功能上有保守性; 2), 可刺激本身受體的表現; 3), 可刺激或抑制其他 PPARs 基因的表現。
Monday, November 15, 2010
我表哥"Cutta Cutta" 上 Science ! |
雖然貓喝水是家常便飯的小事,不過其物理原理的瞭解卻少得可憐。美國麻省理工學院的生物物理學家Roman Stocker等人,以Stocker的寵物貓Cutta Cutta及收容所的另外九隻貓作為對象研究
Stocker等人利用高速攝影機拍到Cutta Cutta等貓喝水的連續動作後發現,貓喝水時會用舌尖輕碰水的表面,卻不會伸入水中,然後快速縮回舌尖,這個動作瞬間拉出一道水柱,而慣性作用會使水柱快速流入嘴中,加上貓俐落地在地心引力作用前合上嘴巴,所以不會造成水四處潑灑的狼狽樣。
Reis, P. M. et al. How Cats Lap: Water Uptake by Felis catus. Published Online November 11, 2010 Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1195421
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
粗口 政冶人物就像明星一樣很會 ”人來瘋”,小鄭在他們的場子用最直接露骨的語言發洩對老k的不滿, 事實上,我相信在場的人沒有人會懷疑這些話有何不妥。 不過從鬥爭策略來看,老K還是比DDP來得高桿! 君不見「趕羚羊」、「草枝擺」的始作俑者是誰? (http://www.hi-on.org.tw/bulletins.jsp?b_ID=72517)
粗話的目的是什麼?基本上那是逞口腹之慾一般的行為,基本上那是打破體制的,對體制的不滿可以用語言打破它, 不過那是ㄚQ式的打破它。 搞政治運動的不能離開群眾,特別是對一群不滿的群眾, 為了證明我們是一夥的,必需煽動大家的情緒,群眾的心理狀態是盲目的,利用辛辣或禁忌的語言最能引起共鳴。我們不贊同任何形式的暴力包含語言暴力,但那是情感和情緒最職接的宣洩。我遇過檯面上斯文有禮的人,檯面下滿口粗話!那是人啊,不過有”禮節”,「禮節」-節制的”節”,說是作做作也好, 那是人與人之間的緩衝,特別是處於敵對的雙方。
剛好又遇到選舉,所以又變成藍綠對立的催化劑。法官有無亂判或有無政治立場,又在那邊各說各這個話, 反正「愛之欲其生,惡之欲其死」。我倒覺得這個判例凸顯中華民國法官的窘境,大家都知道收錢不對,但也知道有錢能使鬼推磨,但是中華民國萬萬法就是沒有那一條「財產來源不明罪」,政客當然可以收獻金,好歹有一個叫「政治獻金法」的 。臺灣是採用罪刑法定主義。刑法第一條是這麼說的:『行為之處罰,以行為時之法律有明文規定者為限。拘束人身自由之保安處分,亦同。』...。藍的目的想把修法方向導往「法官法」,這不啻又是把統理權伸向司法。對阿!收錢沒有對價關係判無罪,反正一個願打一個願挨,如果判有罪那是太大快人心!但那是民粹,判刑好像寫論文一樣,沒有理所當然的事,推演、證據與法條的支持才是保障,所謂的 “due process”。 不然以後,即使真的政治獻金,也可以被對手批為賄賂! 就像全世界的人都認定是 OJ 殺了他老婆,證據不足你又能怎樣?私刑侍候?明星是被群眾寵出來的!為什麼要去拱明星?又不願相信人是脆弱和緲小的!古有云:「刑不上大夫」,大夫的犯罪是游走在條文之間的,「法網恢恢,疏而不漏」。我說會漏! 一堆政客和kmt的黨產就是例子。
禮記 曲 禮 上: "... 禮 不 下 庶 人 . 刑 不 上 大 夫 . 刑 人 不 在 君 側... "
粗話的目的是什麼?基本上那是逞口腹之慾一般的行為,基本上那是打破體制的,對體制的不滿可以用語言打破它, 不過那是ㄚQ式的打破它。 搞政治運動的不能離開群眾,特別是對一群不滿的群眾, 為了證明我們是一夥的,必需煽動大家的情緒,群眾的心理狀態是盲目的,利用辛辣或禁忌的語言最能引起共鳴。我們不贊同任何形式的暴力包含語言暴力,但那是情感和情緒最職接的宣洩。我遇過檯面上斯文有禮的人,檯面下滿口粗話!那是人啊,不過有”禮節”,「禮節」-節制的”節”,說是作做作也好, 那是人與人之間的緩衝,特別是處於敵對的雙方。
剛好又遇到選舉,所以又變成藍綠對立的催化劑。法官有無亂判或有無政治立場,又在那邊各說各這個話, 反正「愛之欲其生,惡之欲其死」。我倒覺得這個判例凸顯中華民國法官的窘境,大家都知道收錢不對,但也知道有錢能使鬼推磨,但是中華民國萬萬法就是沒有那一條「財產來源不明罪」,政客當然可以收獻金,好歹有一個叫「政治獻金法」的 。臺灣是採用罪刑法定主義。刑法第一條是這麼說的:『行為之處罰,以行為時之法律有明文規定者為限。拘束人身自由之保安處分,亦同。』...。藍的目的想把修法方向導往「法官法」,這不啻又是把統理權伸向司法。對阿!收錢沒有對價關係判無罪,反正一個願打一個願挨,如果判有罪那是太大快人心!但那是民粹,判刑好像寫論文一樣,沒有理所當然的事,推演、證據與法條的支持才是保障,所謂的 “due process”。 不然以後,即使真的政治獻金,也可以被對手批為賄賂! 就像全世界的人都認定是 OJ 殺了他老婆,證據不足你又能怎樣?私刑侍候?明星是被群眾寵出來的!為什麼要去拱明星?又不願相信人是脆弱和緲小的!古有云:「刑不上大夫」,大夫的犯罪是游走在條文之間的,「法網恢恢,疏而不漏」。我說會漏! 一堆政客和kmt的黨產就是例子。
禮記 曲 禮 上: "... 禮 不 下 庶 人 . 刑 不 上 大 夫 . 刑 人 不 在 君 側... "
Thursday, November 04, 2010
貨幣戰爭 美國宣戰 (老共的觀點); 美國狂印鈔票 台幣狂升5.17角
2010年11月05日 08:13 來源:華西都市報
美國狂印鈔票 台幣狂升5.17角
2010/11/05 11:58 防貨幣升值 各國央行焦頭爛額綜合報導
2010年11月05日 08:13 來源:華西都市報
美國狂印鈔票 台幣狂升5.17角
2010/11/05 11:58 防貨幣升值 各國央行焦頭爛額綜合報導
Monday, November 01, 2010
已將台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭(Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) 正名為台灣鮭魚(Oncorhynchus formosanus)
此稿將刊登於今年12月知名之國際 命名機關報
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
vol. 67, part 4 of the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (due to be published on 20 December 2010).
在ICZN的申請案下個月發表後formosanus將成為正式有效名稱, saramao也將成為無效名,
此稿將刊登於今年12月知名之國際 命名機關報
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature
vol. 67, part 4 of the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (due to be published on 20 December 2010).
在ICZN的申請案下個月發表後formosanus將成為正式有效名稱, saramao也將成為無效名,