Monday, April 15, 2019

A new liquid-type diet for leptocephali in mass production of artificial glass eels

A new liquid-type diet for leptocephali in mass production of artificial glass eels

Yamada, Y., Okamura, A., Mikawa, N. et al. Fish Sci (2019).


Development of artificial production of glass eels still presents many problems to be solved. What and how to feed larvae is one of the most crucial problems for commercial mass production of glass eels. We evaluated a new liquid-type diet and feeding method against the conventional slurry-type diet by comparing the growth and survival of larvae in triplicate for 27 days after hatching. Larvae were fed by immersion in a liquid-type diet that was a 1.5 times dilution of the conventional slurry-type diet based on dogfish yolk spread over the bottom of the rearing tank. Larvae took more and denser liquid-type food in the intestine than the conventional slurry-type diet. Survival rates at 3 weeks after first feeding were about 90% in most experimental groups (5 groups) except one of three slurry-type diet groups (about 70%). Growth rates were 1.35 times higher in liquid-type diet groups (0.27 mm/day at 27 dph) than in conventional slurry-type diet groups (0.20 mm/day). These results suggest that the immersion feeding method in conjunction with the liquid-type diet has the potential to enable large scale production of glass eels by ensuring high growth and survival.


Anguilla japonica Rearing method Diet viscosity Aquaculture Larval food Leptocephalus 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

首張黑洞事件視界尺度的影像 (Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive)

Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive

成功大學的「鏡錄站(Mirror Site)」, 專門複製 美國NASA網站: Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive,此網站中的內容。


影像提供: Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
說明: 黑洞長什麼樣子? 為了找出答案,全球各地電波望遠鏡,針對天空已知具有最大事件視界黑洞,進行了合作協調觀測。 一顆孤伶伶的黑洞是全的,但是這些吸引力龐大無比的宇宙怪獸,周圍都環拱著輝光氣體。 昨天發布的首張影像,解析出位在星系M87核心的黑洞附近,尺度和它預期的事件視界規模相當的區域。 影像中的黝黑中心區並不是事件視界,而是黑洞的陰影,因為這個中心區氣體發出的輝光有部分被黑洞的重力吞噬了。 陰影的大小和形狀,則受到事件視界附近的明亮氣體、強大重力透鏡造成的偏折、與黑洞自轉的影響。 事件視界望遠鏡(EHT)解析出黑洞陰影的這項成果,除了為愛因斯坦的重力理論,在這種極端區域仍然適用提供了佐證,更清楚指證星系M87的中心,有顆質量高達60億倍太陽的自轉黑洞。 事件視界望遠鏡(EHT)的任務還沒結束,未來的觀測會著重在增加解析度、提高追隨變異性的能力、與探索我們銀河中心 黑洞附近的區域。

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

Monday, April 08, 2019




