日學者指出日本鰻資源還是充滿了謎題 (http://www.fa.gov.tw/cht/PublicationsPubGlobal/) | 2015/3 | |
日本東京海洋大學經營管理研究會於2015年1月15日邀請中央大學海部建二助理教授以「認識鰻魚生態」為題舉行演講會,海部助理教授研究河川與沿岸水域日本鰻之生態,也參與國際自然及天然資源保護協會(IUCN)有關鰻屬魚類之評估。海部助教表示:「日本鰻資源減少雖然可能是海洋環境變化、河川與沿岸水域環境變化及人類之消費等原因所造成,但沒有辦法把握親魚之資源量,連放流之實際成果都沒有辦法掌握,研究人員太少了。」依據海部助教之調查顯示,在日本113條主要河川中,沒有妨害日本鰻溯河之橫斷構造物之河川只有3條,而且這3條河川位於幾乎沒有鰻苗溯河之北海道與沖繩地區。因此他表示:「這可能對資源造成極大之影響,今後有必要進一步調查與評估,在英國有類似此種結構物新造之時,有義務建築鰻魚溯河之魚道。」另外鰻魚的生物學特性不像其他生物般在不同水域有不同之個體群,而是在特定水域產卵孵化之仔稚魚分散到各個成育場,到產卵期前才再回歸到產卵場集結。因此鰻魚之復育不像其他有個體群之生物一樣,當一局部水域之個體群有滅絕危機之時,保護另一個健康之個體群,以復育有滅絕危機之個體群,即此一方法並不適用魚鰻魚之復育,而且一旦資源減少,就有滅絕之可能,現在鰻魚資源已鳴起了響鐘,再者,日本鰻一旦其上游之河川的環境已大幅惡化,本來準備溯河之鰻苗可能會大量死亡,所以「不能只針對特定河川環境之維護,必須改善廣河川域之環境才可。」 有關鰻魚之放流方面,該助教表示:「放流效果及其對既有生態系之影響均不了解,放流稚魚成長慢,以及是否真的是放流之日本鰻等實態無法掌握,另外如果只是因為日本鰻資源減少,所以只針對日本鰻去保育是不行的,應包括河川環境、生態環境平衡之觀點去改善。」 | ||
(許金漢,摘譯自日刊水產經濟新聞,21 January 2015)
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Thursday, March 12, 2015
據說作者Roswell Hosoki先生關注的是「如何在不會散發香味的黑白畫面漫畫世界中讓讀者們產生對鰻魚的食慾」。
(※1)^ 日本稱「蒲燒鰻魚」,將鰻魚去骨後切成適當長度,淋上以醬油為主的佐料,串上竹籤燒烤而成的日式烹製方法。
(※2)^ 農曆立秋前的18天為夏季的土用丑日,日本人相信鰻魚有改善食慾、增進體力的效果,習慣在這一天吃鰻魚消暑。
(※3)^ 神社的主神官。
Monday, March 09, 2015
Don’t go chasing eel testicles
Don’t go chasing eel testicles:
A brief, select history of Sigmund Freud
If you know anything about psychology, you know the name Sigmund Freud. If you know anything about Sigmund Freud, you know about his theories on the human mind and human development. If you know anything about one particular theory, his psychosexual theory, you know that you are a repressed sexual being that likely has an unconscious desire to have relations with a mythical Greek King’s mother. What you may not know, because it’s conceivably ancillary to his greater works, is that it all began in pursuit of 19th century science’s holy grail: “The elusive eel testicles.”
Before laughing at any of these findings, one has to consider how limited these researchers were, with regard to the science of their day. As they say with young people, Freud probably didn’t know enough to know how futile this task would be when he was first employed by a nondescript Austrian zoological research station. It was his first job, he was nineteen-years-old, and it was 1876. He dissected approximately 400 eels, over a period of four weeks, and he worked in an environment that the New York Times described as “Amid stench and slime for long hours”.{3} His ambitious goal was to write a breakthrough research paper on the animal’s mating habits that had confounded science for centuries. One has to imagine that a more seasoned scientist may have considered the task futile much earlier in the process, but an ambitious, young nineteen-year-old, looking to make a name for himself, was willing to spend long hours slicing and dicing these eels, to hopefully achieve an answer that could not be disproved.

Most of us had odd jobs at nineteen that have, in one way or another, affected us for the rest of our working lives. For most of us, these jobs were low-paying, manual labor jobs that we slogged through for the sole purpose of getting paid. Most of us weren’t pining over anything, in search of a legacy that would put us in annals of history. Most of us had no feelings of profound failure if we didn’t do well in these low-paying, manual labor jobs. Most of us simply moved onto other jobs we found more rewarding and fulfilling.
Was the search for eel testicles the equivalent to a low-paying, manual labor job to Freud, or did he believe in this vocation so much that he was devastated when he failed? Did he slice the first hundred or so open and throw them aside with the belief that he simply had another eel of the fairer sex, as he wrote, or was he beginning to see what had plagued the other scientists, including Aristotle, for centuries? There had to be a moment, in other words, when he began to realize that they couldn’t all be female. He had to realize, at some point, that he was missing the same something that everyone else had been missing. He had to have had some sleepless nights struggling to come up with some different tactic. He probably lost his appetite at various points, and he probably shut out the world in his obsession to achieve infamy in marine biology. If even some of this is true, even if it was only four weeks of his life, it could reasonably be stated that this moment in his life affected him profoundly.
If Freud had never existed, would there be a need to create him?
Everyone has a subjective angle from which they approach a topic they wish to study. It’s human nature. Few of us can view any subject, or person in our life, with total objectivity. The topic we are least objective about, say some, is ourselves. And the topic, on which we theorize most, when we theorize on humanity, is most commonly ourselves. All theories are autobiographies, in other words, that we write in an attempt to understand ourselves better. With that in mind, what was the subjective angle from which Sigmund Freud approached his most famous theory on psychosexual development in humans? Was he entirely objective when listening to his patients, or was he forever chasing eel testicles in the manner Don Quixote chased windmills?
After switching vocations to the field of Psychology, did he view the patients that sought his consultation as nothing more than the set of testicles he couldn’t find a lifetime ago? Did testicles prove so prominent in his studies that he saw them everywhere in the manner that a “rare” car owner begins to see that car everywhere, after driving that “rare” car off the lot? Some would say that if Freud engaged in such activities, he did it unconsciously, which others could say may have been the basis for his other theory on unconscious action. How different would Freud’s theories have been if he had found eventually found what was then considered the holy grail of science at the time? How different would his life have been? Would he have ever switched vocations, or would he have remained a marine biologist based upon the fame he achieved?
How different would the field of Psychology be, if he had decided to remain a marine biologist? Or, if he had eventually switched to Psychology, for whatever reason, after achieving fame for being the eel testicle spotter in marine biology, would he have approached the study of the human development, and the human mind, from a less obsessed angle? Would his theory on psychosexual development have occurred to him at all, and if it didn’t, was it such a fundamental truth that it would’ve eventually occurred, without Freud’s influence?
It can be said, without too much refutation, that many in the world have had their beliefs of human development more sexualized by Freud’s largely disproved psychosexual theory? How transcendental was this theory, and how much subjective interpretation was involved, and how much of that interpretation was derived from the frustration involved in his inability to find the eel testicle? Did Freud spend the rest of his career overcompensating for that initial failure?
Whether it’s an interpretive extension, or a direct reading of Freud’s theory, modern scientific research theorizes that most men want some form of sexual experience with another man’s testicles, and if they say that don’t, their lying in a latent manner, and the more vociferously a man says they don’t, so goes the theory, the more repressed their homosexual desires are.
The Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law, a sexual orientation law think tank, released a study in April 2011 that stated that 3.6% of the males in the U.S. population are either openly gay, or bisexual.{4} This leaves 96.4% of this population that are, according to Freud’s theory, closeted homosexuals in some manner. Neither Freud, nor anyone else, has put a rough estimate on the percentage of heterosexuals that have erotic inclinations toward members of the same sex that are unconsciously experienced or expression in overt ways, but the very idea of the theory has achieved worldwide fame. Read through some psychological studies on this subject, and you’ll read the words: “It is possible..,” “certain figures show that it would indicate..,” and “all findings can and should be evaluated by further research”.{5} In other words, no conclusive data, and all figures are vague, purposely say some, for use by those that are in favor of the homosexual movement that would have you believe that most of the 96.4% that express contrarian views are actively suppressing their desire to not only support the view, but to actively involve themselves in the movement.
Sigmund Freud has been called “history’s most debunked doctor”, but his influence can still be seen in the field of Psychology, and in the ways society views human development, and sexual development, throughout the world. The greater question, as it pertains specifically to Freud’s psychosexual theory, is was he a closet homosexual, or was his angle on psychological research affected by the initial failure to find eel testicles? Or, to put it more succinctly, which being’s testicles was Freud more obsessed with throughout his life?
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
全球暖化造成海水密度改變而致海流的流速與流量變動。海洋中魚類的受精卵與稚魚,被海流帶往其他海域,浮游期愈長所受的影響愈大,鰻魚苗就是很明顯的例子;世界上幾種主要的養殖鰻魚 (日本鰻與歐洲鰻),其鰻苗資源量嚴重減少,雖原因不明,但是多數認為跟全球氣候變遷及過度捕撈鰻苗有關。鰻魚的生態包含淡水與海洋生態。鰻魚是河流生態的指標物種,代表著棲地環境的健康,以及生物多樣性的指標,河流失去鰻魚,也意味著河流的死亡。而且鰻魚因不同的生活階段屬於不同級的消費者,全球變遷造成水溫升高、海水酸化,影響鹽度、溶氧,以及改變洋流流向與湧昇流強度,改變營養鹽分布等,這些改變都可能影響鰻魚苗的生存、成長與洄游(飄移)路徑、接岸強度,進而影響資源量。日本鰻在馬里亞那群島西側產卵,鰻苗隨著北赤道洋流與黑潮往北漂流至東北亞,聖嬰(El Niño)現象弱化黑潮流勢,反聖嬰(La Niña)化,黑潮流勢影響鰻苗的漂移,數據顯示和臺灣地區鰻苗捕撈量有所關連。鰻魚苗的消化道中並未發現完整的浮游生物,放射性同位素的調查發現鰻魚苗的營養來源主要是溶解性有機物質,推測鰻魚苗是海洋溶解性有機物質循環的一部分,它們扮演移除顆粒性有機碳的角色。海洋的生產者將二氧化碳轉換為有機物質,大部分的有機碳被上、中層的浮游生物及細菌消耗後再利用。黑潮是貧營養的海域,而在貧營養海域細菌呼吸率大約佔當地群聚呼吸率的82%-98%,微微型浮游生物、共生性細菌與基礎碳通量彼此所構成的食物鏈(生物能量流動網)應和鰻魚苗的初期餌料有關,氣候變遷對鰻魚的影響幾乎是多層面的,從淡水生態系的改變導致的成長與下海生殖行為的改變;生殖洄游可能也被影響,雖然目前此假設尚未被證實;海洋溫、鹽的改變確定會影響鰻魚的成熟與產卵,進而影響所生產的子代數目;海洋環境的改變直接和鰻魚苗的食物能量來源和成長發育,漂流路徑,接岸程度等等。日本東京大學大氣海洋研究所2013年提出一份研究報告:指出鰻苗每年不同的增減,可能在氣候變遷下,改變海水鹽度,也造成鰻魚產卵場改變,於是在不同洋流的帶領下,鰻苗順著黑潮北上洋流,來到台灣、日本、中國沿岸,就得以存活,讓鰻苗大增,一旦進入南下洋流,就是死亡。這份報告提供每年鰻苗多寡的可能之因,但是對於鰻苗總體數量的銳減,直指洄游到產卵場的親鰻急遽減少,才是鰻苗銳減的主因。鰻魚、烏魚和鱙魩仔魚漁業的的資源量有週期性變化,控制此變化的,是受其主要食餌(生產者)族群的質量變化影響? 或是海域水文或其他因子的變動所致? 要回答這些問題實在是要由瞭解此海洋食物鏈相對應於物理、化學環境變化之聯動機制上,因此全球變遷對海洋食物鏈結構的影響是直接也是間接的,經由物理氣候系統和生物地球化學迴圈。
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