Monday, July 22, 2019

Price surge behind glass eel poaching

Price surge behind glass eel poaching

Published on 23 July 2019 in The Japan News by the Yomiuri Shimbun

Catches of juvenile Japanese eels, known as glass eels, hit a record low of 3.7 tons this season, from last November until this April, according to the Fisheries Agency.
Ahead of Doyo no Ushi, a traditional eel-eating day that will fall on July 27 this year, the market price of juvenile eel has reached over ¥2 million per kilogram. Poaching and smuggling of juvenile eel — now called “white diamond” — are rampant.

¥2.19 mil. per kilogram (about 18,000 EUR)

On June 28, two men were found guilty of illegally fishing glass eel in a river in Hamamatsu, and were sentenced at the Hamamatsu branch of the Shizuoka District Court. A judge said to the men, who included a company executive from Aichi Prefecture, “[The poaching of glass eel] may seriously affect the protection of fishery resources and impair the maintenance of fishery order.”
Earlier this year, eel poaching was revealed in Ibaraki, Okayama and Kochi prefectures and elsewhere.
Most Japanese eel on the market — 99 percent of the total — is farmed. The eels hatch from eggs near the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, and as they grow, they are carried by the ocean current to the sea near Japan. There, they are caught by fish farming companies around river mouths. Each eel weighs about 0.2 grams initially. The companies raise them in farming ponds and ship them when they weigh about 200 to 250 grams each. This season’s catches of glass fish were below the record low of 5.2 tons in the 2013 season, November 2012 to April 2013.
As a result, the price of eel has risen. According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Central Wholesale Market, the average price of adult fish in May was ¥5,179 per kilogram, twice that of 10 years ago when it was ¥2,529 per kilogram in May 2009. The market price of glass eel has also soared, being traded at around ¥2.19 million per kilogram.
In the eyes of the law, juvenile eel can only be caught by groups licensed by prefectural governments. Kenzo Kaifu, associate professor at Chuo University, pointed out that some poached young fish are traded at high prices through black market channels. He specializes in conservation ecology and is an expert on the distribution of eel.
“It may be used as a source of funds for gangs,” he added.

Hong Kong route

The shortage of glass eel is made up by imports. This season, 11.5 tons of glass eel have flowed in from overseas, accounting for 75 percent of the glass eel used for farming. It is said that influxes through illegal routes are also increasing.
Although Japan and Taiwan ban both the export and import of glass eel during the fishing season, there are cases in which Taiwanese catch the young fish carried by ocean currents and “smuggle” them to Japan via Hong Kong, according to sources.
“There is high demand for glass eels in Japan. Some transporters from Thailand and the Philippines take eels out of Taiwan as baggage and transport them to Japan via Hong Kong,” said an eel exporter from Taiwan.
The number of young Japanese eels has decreased since the 1960s due to poaching, deterioration of the river environment and changes in ocean currents. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) designated Japanese eels as an endangered species in 2014. In addition, parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention, may discuss the necessity of international trade regulations on the fish at future meetings.

Expecting ‘full cultivation’

While juvenile eel catches have reached a historically low level, Japanese research institutions and the eel industry are working to artificially hatch Japanese eels and raise them to maturity for commercialization.
An eel tasting event was held at the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry building in late June. Shunsuke Sanda, head of a national association of kabayaki-style eel restaurants, checked the taste of eel that had been artificially hatched.
He smiled, saying, “There is no smell and the taste is the same as ever. If the price can be adjusted when glass eels cannot be caught, the price will not rise, making it more accessible to ordinary people.”
The Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency (FRA), a Yokohama-based research institute, succeeded in the full cultivation of eels in 2010 when it hatched eel eggs, raised them to maturity and got them to spawn. It is continuing its research, aiming at stable mass production.
In July last year, the agency sent about 300 artificially hatched glass eels to two fish farming companies in Kyushu, which raised them to market size in about 10 months, in the same way wild baby eel are raised.
“It is probably the first time in the world that artificially hatched eels have been raised to a quality suitable for ‘merchandise.’ If we can commercialize [the process], we can maybe replace wild eels with these ones,” said a Fisheries Agency official.
The agency is aiming at creating a viable business, planning to shorten the period from hatching to glass eel and improve production costs.Speech

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Analysis of 17β-estradiol, estriol and estrone in American eel (Anguilla rostrata) tissue samples using liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray-differential ion mobility tandem mass spectrometry

E2 and its metabolite, E1, are rapidly removed from eel muscle tissue reaching background levels within a week after initial treatment with E2. This information could become valuable in the commercial industry for the approval of fish destined to the food market.

25 mg E2/Kg feed. Eels (Anguilla rostrata) of 8 g starting size (9 months post-glass eel) were fed either the control or E2 treated diet at between 3 and 3.5% of body weight per day for 84 days..

為雌化鰻魚,鰻線餵以雌二醇 (E2,25 mg E2/Kg feed) 達84天。在停餵一週後,鰻魚肌肉組織中的E2和其代謝物 (雌一醇,E1)會快速下降達到背景水平,甚至比野生鰻的還低。 這報告對於食品市場的魚類有參考價值。

 2017 May 30;31(10):842-850. doi: 10.1002/rcm.7853.

Analysis of 17β-estradiol, estriol and estrone in American eel (Anguilla rostrata) tissue samples using liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray differential ion mobility tandem mass spectrometry.



17β-Estradiol (E2), estrone (E1) and estriol (E3) are steroid hormones responsible for the regulation of the female reproductive system. Estradiol is planned to be used to feminize eels in aquaculture in order to improve their size and marketability. The residual levels of these hormones in fish tissue must be monitored to meet the requirements of food regulatory agencies. Few studies have studied these hormones in complex biological matrices such as fish tissue.


We developed a method to analyze E1, E2 and E3 in fish tissue using liquid chromatography in combination with differential ion mobility spectrometry (DMS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The mass spectrometer was operated in negative polarity selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. To test the performance of this method, residual levels of E1, E2 and E3 were measured in the muscle tissue of juvenile eels subjected to feminization treatment with E2.


We report that following 17β-estradiol treatment, E2 is rapidly metabolized from the eel tissue, with a 50% depletion rate per day. Five days post-treatment, E2 returned to the level found in non-treated controls, similar to levels found in wild mature female eels.


The method presented herein allows the quantitative analysis of E1, E2 and E3 in fish tissue samples. Under the experimental conditions, E2 in fish tissue samples returned to physiological levels post hormonal treatment. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


祝 阿咪13歲生日快樂🎂
Bon anniversaire🎉


臺灣水產電子報 2019/07/14
《東京通訊》日本對鰻的獨有情鍾 @ 吳佳瑞
今年7月27日是日本的『土用の丑の日』,日本人這一天就想到要吃鰻魚,這牽扯到四季季節變化跟天干地支,挺複雜的,在這不多做解釋,這我也懂得不多,有興趣的懂點日文的下面連結有詳細的說明可以去看看,簡單的說,這日子前18天就已經開始,到這一天結束是吃鰻魚的最好的日子,可以讓後面的一整年元氣百倍,所以7月開始就很多地方,都會賣饅魚相關料理,到處都有,保證不怕你找不到鰻魚。有時我在想我住的千葉這邊看到銷售的廣告就這麼多,賣的店家這麼多,這才是日本的一個小角落,7月份整個日本需要的鰻魚量應該是很可觀 !
延伸閱讀 : 1.日本養殖新聞 blog
2.郭河編著 養鰻透視 1994年 水產出版社

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sensitivities of Japanese eel primary ovary on exogenous androgen – correlated with ovarian neuropeptides and their receptors?

Sensitivities of Japanese eel primary ovary on exogenous androgen correlated with ovarian neuropeptides and their receptors?

Yung-Sen Huanga*, Chung-Yen Linb
a Department Life Science, National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
b Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

In mammals, the ovary and the central nervous system through the autonomic pathways is connected, the evidences highlight the role of the superior ovarian nerve (SON) in the ovarian phenomena in rats. Furthermore, effects on the ovary of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides have been found in this organ. If the development of eel ovary was more like to organogesis, the role of angiogenic growth factors in organogenesis has been reviewed, angiogenesis and neurogenesis are coupled processes, VEGF stimulates neurogenesis, vice versa, the vascular cells are also responsive to neurotrophins. In the eel (Anguilla spp.), the positive effect of androgens on the primary ovarian development is established in the last years, but there are few data to elucidate how is this stimulatory effect to exerting. Indeed, by decreasing ovarian PTEN/PTEN levels or by stimulating follicular FSH receptor expression has been documented in the eel by exogenous androgens. In the Mammal, androgens have been shown to stimulate ovarian granulosa cell proliferation, to increase FSHR, and to decrease AMH, furthermore, to down-regulate TGFβ ligands as well as the receptors has also been reported. Actually, in the eel, the variations on exogenous androgen-induced effect in a population is obvious.
The aims of this study are: (1) to explore what caused the variation on exogenous androgen-induced effect; (2) to understand the correlation between gene background pattern and positive effect of exogenous androgen-induced effects based on expression patterns of ovarian neuropeptide receptors, growth factor receptors, and angiogenic as well as neurogenic factors; (3) to find plausible biological markers to predict the results of eel artificial maturation-induce process.
Pond-cultured Japanese eels with similar body weight (c.a. 650 g, n= 7) were operated to sample ovarian tissues before androgen (MT) implant-treatment (to minimalize the injection-procedure-related stress), then, after 4 weeks, ovarian tissues were collected. Sampled ovarian tissues were stored in the liquid nitrogen. The effect of MT on ovarian development was evaluated based on the increase of egg diameter before and after the treatment in the same individual. The ones with a significant difference on egg diameter were selected, and the paired sampled tissues RNAs were sequenced, transcriptome was made of total RNA-Seq analyzes both coding and multiple forms of noncoding RNA. By the way, the Japanese eel genome has been assembled from the blood of female yellow one. By taking 1,211 scaffolds in length larger than 100Kb, these scaffolds can composite 92% of Japanese eel genome. The transcriptome information of 16,104 annotation genes from three paired ones was implemented into a web database (
The results indicated that: (1) The positive effects of MT might be in vain if, in the begin, the egg diameter was small than 0.10 mm. (2) By cluster analysis and based on heatmap method, the ones in the same clade had a similar phenotype, although the pattern of heatmap was not identical, and the certain genes seemed to correlate to the androgen stimulatory effects by Venn diagram method. (3) correlation between the patterns of gene expressions of those growth factors as well as their receptors and the phenotype were not totally coincided with.
Our report based on the exploring data from a transcriptome leads arguments that: (1) the importance of various gene isoforms on a biological process, especially in the Teleost; (2) the importance of basal gene expression levels, of induced gene expression ones, or that of gene expression fold-changes; (3) the importance of the understanding of whole genome on NGS and on gene annotation; (4) the importance of new mathematics or/and statistics, and bio informatics methods on biological studies. (5) the importance of complexity in a small, compact, high efficient cell/tissue.

Tuesday, July 09, 2019

The greatest wildlife crime on the planet

'The greatest wildlife crime on the planet'

9th July 2019
Zac Goldsmith releasing eels
Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith joins the Sustainable Eel Group to showcase the barriers to eel conservation.
Zac Goldsmith, Conservative MP and the government’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference champion, released European eels into the Thames to highlight the plight of the endangered species.
The number of eels reaching Europe has declined by 90 percent since the 1970s and the species is now classified as critically endangered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
This population decline can be attributed to habitat destruction and man-made barriers, such as weirs and dams, with the vast illegal trade of European eels undermining species recovery.
Illicit trade
300 to 350 million European eels are illegally trafficked every year from Europe to Asia, accounting for almost one quarter of the total number of glass eels (juvenile eels) entering European waters every year, according to Europol. The illicit trade has been estimated to be worth approximately €3 billion every year
Zac Goldsmith, Conservative MP for Richmond Park and Kingston North and a former editor of The Ecologist, commented: “It is shocking to hear that at least 300 million European eels are trafficked every year.
"It is the greatest wildlife crime on the planet by value, air miles and volume but the least well known. It is therefore vital that we speed up progress on tackling this illicit trade.
"I must praise Andrew and the Sustainable Eel Group on the work they are doing to help with the recovery of this precious species, most noticeably their collaborative approach to tackling this shocking wildlife crime.”
Andrew Kerr, Chairman of the Sustainable Eel Group, said: “The European eel has been declining for at least a century and very rapidly for the 30 years to 2010 - so much so that it was listed as critically endangered.
"However, at the 2019 SEG Conference it became clear that a turning point has been reached and conservation efforts are having a positive impact. This is the first sign of hope and we must now redouble our efforts to save the eel.”
Flagship operation
The eel release follows on from a world exclusive press conference held last week at SEG’s 10 Year Anniversary Event with Europol, UK National Wildlife Crime Unit and Spain’s Nature Protection Service (SEPRONA).
Revealing the latest update on the counter trafficking of the endangered European eel, Europol enforcers announced that 15 million endangered European eels have been seized so far this 2018/2019 season, with 153 arrests across the EU. This is a 50 percent increase in arrests for this illegal wildlife crime since last season. 
Jose Antonio Alfaro Moreno from EUROPOL said: “This is our flagship operation in terms of environmental crime. All the arrests mentioned are in Europe with the majority from Spain, France and Portugal.
"The main actions have been taken from SEPRONA, they have led the way in Europe along with the Portuguese and French authorities. However, there are also 5 ongoing criminal cases in the USA carried out by the US Fish and Wildlife Service involving the illegal import of eel meat coming from Asia containing DNA of the European Eel. 
"Glass eels are trafficked out of the EU, put into eel farms in Asia and then sent back to the US, Canada and the EU which is how we can track the DNA. The development of this technology being used in monitoring the DNA of the eel has allowed us to prove that the European eel is coming from Asia. We have also collaborated with the EU Enforcement Group and the EU Food Fraud Network.
Criminal networks
Jose continued: "The people arrested in Europe are poachers, mules and members from other criminal networks. We have focused not just looking at trafficking glass eels as a single issue, but the wider criminal networks.
"Year after year, more countries are joining our actions. For example, this year we are carrying out more work in Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland and Macedonia.
"For the next season, we want to follow the line of the inquiry into eel meat production in Asia and DNA traces. With this, we expect more countries to get involved with high ambition for action.
"The criminal groups learn and develop their methods, so Europol need to stay one step ahead.”
This Article 
This article is based on a press release from the Sustainable Eel Group. 

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Anguilla anguilla larvae older than 30 days

Great news from our lab! 💪💪.
 Again larvae older than 30 days
 Again we could test different types of nutricion
 Again larvae that have eaten something
Aquamanager Camillo Rosso: "Record survival is not our priority anymore. Now the priority is using the larvae for feeding trials. The process is under control and every few weeks we can test feeding trials.
We are close in reaching the most important milestone for this year. Milestone 5: structural 14dph larvae survival."